With an inner roaring ocean.

No fear of doubts and distrusts.

Humble, firmly persistent to the belief.


About me

Artisan at heart, scientific explorer in mind; a perpetual learner and a constant challenger.

Born and raised in China, live in the U.S since 2015.

Cultural divergence has become the cornerstone of my learning journey: I don't presume; I welcome ignorance as the genesis of new knowledge.

I've discovered a unique fusion of logic and emotion within myself. Nature captivates me, and technological innovation ignites my curiosity. I'm an avid collector of knowledge, embracing every opportunity to lead and inspire.

My immersion spans diverse realms—Design, Engineering, Textiles Science, Ergonomics, Biomechanics, and the innovative landscape of Design Thinking Methodology. With a multidisciplinary foundation and an insatiable curiosity, I've woven inventive solutions both in academia and the industry, crafting a narrative that reflects my unwavering passion for pushing boundaries.